
MA5683T VS MA5603

What’s the difference between the MA5683T and MA5603?

MA5603T also support ADSL, VDSL, VOIP, it is multi service based (you may add ADSL,VDSL, VOIP interface card to MA5603T in future)

While MA5683T only support GPON, EPON (you can not add these ADSL VDSL card).  

MA5603T is more expensive than MA5683T as it support multiple service.

The price compare:
With our research, the best price on huanetwork.com

MA5603T Price: US$2,450.00, include 1*MA5603T Chassis, 2*SCUN Main Control Board, 1*GICF 2 GE Optical Ports Uplink Board, 2*PRTE DC Power Board, 1*GPBD 8 GPON Port Board.

MA5683T Price: US$1,940.00, include 1*MA5683T Chassis, 2*SCUN Main Control Board, 1*GICF 2 GE Optical Ports Uplink Board, 2*PRTE DC Power Board, 1*GPBD 8 GPON Port Board.

The difference about the MA5680T and MA5600T, is similary with the between the MA5683T and MA5603. More about the MA5600 series, please visit: http:/www.huanetwork.com.


How to Query and Change the ARP Aging Time on MA5600 Series

How to query and change the ARP aging time for the Huawei MA5600 series?

In the versions earlier than V800R006C02, the ARP aging time is fixed to 20 min and cannot be queried or changed.
In V800R006C02 and the versions later than V800R006C02, the ARP aging time can be queried and changed.
1 Query the ARP aging time: display arp aging-time
2 Change the ARP aging time: arp aging-time

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