This section describes the methods for configuring IPv6 services in the
FTTB/C (No HGWs) scenario.
Application Scenarios
The FTTB/C networking(no
HGW) supports the access of IPv6 HSI services. Generally, no IPTV services will
be deployed when there is no HGW.
As shown in Figure 1, the Huawei
ONU, which is installed in a corridor or street optical distribution box,
transmits services to users through category-5 cables (LAN access) or twisted
pairs (xDSL access). The OLT and ONU work with upper-layer devices to support
Huawei DS+NAT+PPPoE/DS+NAT+IPoE HSI IPv6 solutions.
1 For voice
services: The ONU with a built-in voice module can directly provide VoIP
services for users. The ONU processes VoIP services using the IPv4
protocol instead of
the IPv6 protocol.
2 For
Internet access services: Users connect to the ONU through category-5 cables
(LAN access) or the modem and twisted pairs (xDSL access). The PC and BRAS
support the IPv4/IPv6 DS and can be connected in the PPPoE or IPoE mode. The
implement Layer 2 forwarding, irrespective of whether the access service
is IPv4 or IPv6.
Service configurations for IPv4 and IPv6 are the same. Only the ACL,
anti-IP spoofing,
and DHCP option configurations for IPv4 and IPv6 are different.
Figure 1 FTTB/C (no HGW) networking
Step 1 Configure GPON ONU profiles.
1. Configure a DBA profile.
huawei(config)#dba-profile add profile-name fttb_dba
type3 assure 8192 max
2. Configure an ONU line profile.
huawei(config)#ont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 10
profile-name fttb(c)
huawei(config-gpon-lineprofile-10)#tcont 4 dba-profile-name fttb_dba
huawei(config-gpon-lineprofile-10)#gem add 11 eth tcont 4 cascade on
huawei(config-gpon-lineprofile-10)#gem add 12 eth tcont 4 cascade on
huawei(config-gpon-lineprofile-10)#gem add 13 eth tcont 4 cascade on
huawei(config-gpon-lineprofile-10)#gem mapping 11 0 vlan 8
huawei(config-gpon-lineprofile-10)#gem mapping 12 1 vlan 1001
huawei(config-gpon-lineprofile-10)#gem mapping 13 2 vlan 200
3. (Optional) Add an alarm profile.
In this example, the default alarm profile is used and therefore the
configuration of the
alarm profile is not required.
Step 2 Add an ONU to an OLT.
Assume that the ID of GPON port 0/2/1 is 1, SN is 32303131B39FD641,
management mode is SNMP, and the bound line profile is fttb(c). Connect the ONU
to such a GPON port through the optical splitter.
There are two modes to add an ONT: add an ONT offline and confirm an
discovered ONU.
1 Add an
ONU offline.
huawei(config)#interface gpon 0/2
huawei(config-if-gpon-0/2)#ont add 1 ontid 1 sn-auth
snmp ont-lineprofile-name fttb(c)
2 Confirm
an automatically discovered ONU.
huawei(config)#interface gpon 0/2
huawei(config-if-gpon-0/2)#port 1 ont-auto-find enable
huawei(config-if-gpon-0/2)#display ont autofind 1
huawei(config-if-gpon-0/2)#ont confirm 1 ontid 1 sn-auth
snmp ont-lineprofile-name fttb(c)
3 (Optional) Bind the alarm profile to the ONU.
In this example, default alarm profile 1 is used and therefore the
configuration of the alarm
profile is not required.
Step 3 Check the ONU status.
After an ONU is added, run the display ont info command to query the current status of
the ONU. Ensure that Config flag of the ONU is active, Run
State is online, and Config state is normal.
huawei(config-if-gpon-0/2)#display ont info 1 1
F/S/P : 0/2/1
ONT-ID : 1
flag : active //The ONU is activated.
state : online //The ONU is online.
state : normal //The ONU configurations are recovered
rest of the response information is not provided here.
Step 4 Configure the inband management VLAN and IP address of the OLT.
huawei(config)#vlan 8 smart
huawei(config)#vlan priority 8 6
huawei(config)#interface vlanif 8
huawei(config-if-vlanif8)#ip address 24
Step 5 Configure the inband management VLAN and IP address of the ONU.
huawei(config)#interface gpon 0/2
huawei(config-if-gpon-0/2)#ont ipconfig 1 1 static ip-address mask gateway vlan 8
Step 6 Configure an inband management service port.
huawei(config)#service-port 1 vlan 8 gpon 0/2/1 ont
1 gemport 11 multi-service
user-vlan 8 rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6
Step 7 Confirm that the management channel between the OLT and the ONU is
l On the
OLT, run the ping command to check the connectivity
between the
OLT and the ONU. The ICMP ECHO-REPLY packet from the ONU should be
l On the
OLT, you can remote log in to the ONU to perform the configuration.
Step 8 Configure the channel for the Internet access service.
huawei(config)#vlan 100 smart
huawei(config)#vlan attrib 100 stacking
huawei(config)#port vlan 100 0/19 0
huawei(config)#service-port 101 vlan 100 gpon 0/2/1
ont 1 gemport 12 multiservice
user-vlan 1001 tag-transform translate-and-add inner-vlan 258 rx-cttr 6
tx-cttr 6
Step 9 Configure the channel for the VoIP service.
huawei(config)#vlan 200 smart
huawei(config)#port vlan 200 0/19 0
huawei(config)#traffic table ip index 9 cir off
priority 5 priority-policy localsetting
huawei(config)#service-port 201 vlan 200 gpon 0/2/1
ont 1 gemport 13 multiservice
user-vlan 200 rx-cttr 9 tx-cttr 9
Step 10 Configure LAG for upstream ports.
Configure upstream ports 0/19/0 and 0/19/1 into an aggregation group. Each
member port in the aggregation group allocates packets based on the source MAC
address. The working mode is LACP static aggregation.
huawei(config)#link-aggregation 0/19 0-1 ingress
workmode lacp-static
Step 11 (Optional) When PPPoE is adopted, enable forwarding the packets with PITP
tag on the OLT equipment.
huawei(config)#pitp permit-forwarding service-port
101 enable
Step 12 (Optional) When IPoE is adopted, enable forwarding the packets with DHCP
option on the OLT equipment.
huawei(config)#dhcp-option82 permit-forwarding
service-port 101 enable //For IPv4
huawei(config)#dhcpv6-option permit-forwarding port
0/2/1 ontid 1 enable //For IPv6 packets
Step 13 Save the configuration data on the Huawei
Step 14 Log in to and configure the ONU.
You can remote log in to the ONU from the OLT to perform the
configuration. By default, the user name is root and the password is mduadmin.
The following steps are
configured on the ONU side.
Step 15 Configuration the HSI service on the
ONU side.
This example creates one service port as an example. Each service port
maps a user. When configuring another service port, map the corresponding
huawei(config)#vlan 1001-1016 smart
huawei(config)#port vlan 1001-1016 0/0 1
huawei(config)#traffic table ip index 8 cir 4096
priority 0 priority-policy local-Setting
huawei(config)#service-port 101 vlan 1001 eth 0/3/1
multi-service user-vlan
untagged rx-cttr 8 tx-cttr 8
Step 16 (Optional) Configure the PITP function for PPPoE.
huawei(config)#raio-mode common pitp-pmode
huawei(config)#pitp enable pmode
Step 17 (Optional) Configure the DHCP option function for IPoE.
huawei(config)#raio-mode common dhcp-option82 //For DHCPv4 packets
huawei(config)#dhcp option82 enable //For DHCPv4 packets
huawei(config)#raio-mode common dhcpv6-option //For DHCPv6 packets
huawei(config)#dhcpv6 option enable //For DHCPv6 packets
Step 18 Configure the voice service.
huawei(config)#vlan 200 smart
huawei(config)#port vlan 200 0/0 1
huawei(config)#interface vlanif 200
huawei(config-if-vlanif200)#ip address 24
huawei(config-voip)#ip address media
huawei(config-voip)#ip address signaling
huawei(config)#ip route-static 24
huawei(config)#interface h248 0
you sure to add MG interface?(y/n)[n]:y
huawei(config-if-h248-0)#if-h248 attribute mgip
2944 code text transfer udp primary-mgc-ip1
2944 mg-media-ip1
start-negotiate-version 1
huawei(config-if-h248-0)#reset coldstart
you sure to reset MG interface?(y/n)[n]:y
huawei(config)#esl user
huawei(config-esl-user)#mgpstnuser batadd 0/3/0 0/3/23 0
terminalid 0 telno
huawei(config-esl-user)#mgpstnuser modify 0/3/0 priority cat2
huawei(config-pstnport)#pstnport attribute batset 0/3/0
0/3/23 reverse-pole-pulse
Step 19 Save the configuration on the ONU side.
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